Wednesday, March 28, 2012


POSITIF.what is positive? what ? what?

positif is anything relates to good things. except for HIV la. if u go for medical check up, n end up by having positif.thats bad. okey. lame joke.zzz. btw, i just wonder,have y'all being positif too much till u reach the point where u want to scream all nite long coz u feel like u've been burden  by thinking positively or in other word having high tak?so im the only one la nie.ok x kesah.dont u think if u too positive ,u end up hoping too much.i dont know.

ive been reading lots of blogs nowadays.most of the blogs i read,all have good family background.some not that wealthy but but they kinda mampu to buy basic living things.some too wealthy till can be schooling in private the point is i envy to these ppl coz from wht i saw,their life somehow went smoothly there were no downside part.but i have no idea wht they went thru be positif je lah.n jgn ade high hope.chill aje.if u feeling down,talk to someone.

ape aku merepek nie. dh la. toodles.

Saturday, March 24, 2012


last night,i went to snsd's showcase.Petronas invited them to perform.Eventho i only seen them from big screen,but the excitement of waiting them to show up was just the same.HAHAHA.i tot i wasnt excited bout snsd coming to malaysia.boy! i was wrong,i was super excited.HAHAH.boleh tak?but i wasnt that excited till the point i want to buy the fanzone ticket,its just too much if i did i have no money.Unless beyonce is coming,im willing to borrow from my mom.hehe.

Like i said,i only seen them from screen.i cant see them in real life.pity me.since i didnt sacrifice my money to sit a little bit front from where i stood.its okey,but lots of people actually didnt have the opportunity to stand up in the fanzone,nevertheless they enjoy the show.i love when snsd's fans together sung with them,it was funn.Fyi,snsd not only has lots of female fan,the male fans on that day also were enjoying the show as well.i was quite amazed by amount of guys coming to that showcase for the sake of snsd.

i just wanna share with u guys my experienced when the show happened.There was one chinese guy,i think bout 30 ish year old,he really enjoyed the show till when the run devil run came out,he actually wanted to run just to imitate the snsd.hahah.funny.n the way he shook his head,like chicken already.head moved back n front all the way.n he remembered each words from snsd's song.fanatic tak hengat ponye! haha

oklah malas nk tulis pjg2.bye!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

what is degree anyway?

have u ever wonder degree is not a process for u to go to another level of education .It a process for u to know more about yourself and how to handle people surround u.kann? or u dont agree with me.well,that is my sukahati saya lah lah,i started to think this way,since i kinda have lots of drama during my 1st,2nd and 3rd (this is my worst uni year) university, so mostly i have no problem with my studies.the problem when i make friends.i just realized in this world, not all people will be nice to u.sometimes they love to stab on ur back.i once experienced this on my 3rd year.u dont need to know that person sometimes saddened me n it sometimes bring out the grudge out of me.but after a while,i manage to handle it n i easily forget that moment from time to time.syukur :) . now i lead a happy life with my new friend,not that new la,but somehow i slowly become closer to her coincidentally and without me being conscious bout,here are some words i took from hanafedora blog,i love the way she describe what is degree all about,below is what she wrote *eh tiba2 ke cerita lain.haha

'I've done mine for 2 years now and I found that it's not just a degree that you're going for. It is more than that. It's a discipline camp. Learning to find your own motivations and managing your own time and life to achieved something. This, in a long run will benefits you in your own life and career. Because no one will tell you what to do and what work to execute. No timetable, no job description and moreover nobody have done the work that you wanted to do in the first place. Just deadlines, supervisor and something that you believe in that can bring a good the world.'

it makes sense righttttttttttt.

so thats about it.toodles

Monday, March 12, 2012

final year project n tests.

stress !
this thursday ill have two tests which are rf and pci.i cudnt understand ladder diagram in pci subject.ive asked nana to teach but she seems having lots of tests dis week plus tomorow is her control test,so ill have to tolerate with,who is going to teach me ladder diagram.On subject rf,also i have some questions to be pondering on.there were here n there confusing part i couldnt find the solution of stressed out.hehe.lagi pulak,this friday my supervisor wanted me to do slides on progress i have done on my fyp project.the thing is,i have no progress at all.its sickening to do things u cannot understand.the fact that u have read about it n whtnot,still u cant capture what it was all about.pity me :( .okey thats about it.toodles

Monday, March 5, 2012

nak handphone baru

hi people! whaddup y'all.
hehe.fav sentence.its been along time since i blog.HAHAHAHAHA.kannnnn,mmg lama pon.malas nk layan.
btw,i want new hp so that i cant update my blog there any generous person who willing to buy a new
handphone for me.hehe.okey im kidding.serius nak hp hp now has only 2 megapixel camera.pppl nowadays have already use 5 want too :( .whatever myra.bersyukur pls :p.when nt i start working,1st thing i wana buy hp that provide multiple function.

ok enuf with new hp story.btw,this week i will participate in brooks marathon in distance of 10km.heee.i cant wait.usually i participate in marathon with my bf,but now its different enviroment,intan will accompany running 10km so excited.i bet she must be nervous at the beginning of the running.coz i always did,even when i have participated in marathon several bf has registered to run as well,unfortunately he will not be joining since he said he doesnt train himself at first i was a bit frustrated,but then again its up to him.not that i belanje him to participate in this event ritee.hence,he will be only be my cameraman of the day during that event.heee.more pictures of likey.hehehe.

other thing is,i went to kuching las friday for majlis bertandang im back.hehe.kuching was fun.but the fun degrades when my older bro n sis n maktam's family went back home one day earlier than mom la decided to overstayed just to meet her long lost fren.lost la sgt.over tau.haha.but its least my mom was very happy seeing her fren.i was glad.hehe.dahla.boring la cite i nie.i wrote this just for the sake of me reading it.dah la no pictures blog ni.lagi la boring nyer.hehe
